1. Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
Kata yang berfungsi menerangkan kata kerja, kata sifat, atau kata keterangan lainnya.
a) Adverb of Manner
memberi penjelasan tentang bagaiman atau dengan cara apa suatu kegiatan dilakukan.
contoh: The soldier fight bravely.
b) Adverb of Time
kata yang menunjukan pada kapan sesuatu terjadi.
contoh: Let's begin to work now.
c) Adverb of Place
Menerangkan tempat
contoh: Stay here
d) Adverb of Frequency
menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan.
contoh: I forget her name.
e) Adverb of Certainty
menerangkan keyakinan atau kepastian dari suatu hal.
contoh: It will probably rain tonight
f) Adverb of Degree
menerangkan seberapa banyak, sejauh mana, atau pada tingkat apa suatu terjadi.
contoh: He came rather late.
g) Interogative Adverb
dipakai dalam pertanyaan
contoh: Where are you going tonight?
h)Conjuction Adverb
menghubungkan dua klausa
contoh: Live is hard. However, life can be fun.
2. Adjective
Kata yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari part of speech yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan noun (kata benda) termasuk pronoun (kata ganti benda/orang).
a) Proper Adjective
menerangkan suatu benda dengan suatu kata benda nama diri tertentu.
contoh: An Australian pilgrim.
b) Descriptive Adjective
menerangkan sifat dan keadaan seseorang, benda, atau hewan.
contoh: A black dog.
c) Quantitave Adjectives
kata sifat yang menunjukan berapa banyak sesuatu benda yang dimaksudkan.
contoh: He ate mutch bread
d) Numeral Adjectives
menjelaskan berapa banyak benda atau dalam urutan berapa.
contoh: Seven books.
e) Demonstrative Adjectives
berfungsi menunjukkan orang atau benda.
contoh: This book.
f) Distributive Adjectives
menunjukan orang atau benda satu demi satu atau dalam bagian-bagian yang terpisah.
contoh: The two student head each a pen.
3. Degree of Comparison
membandingkan kualitas sifat atau kualitas pekerjaan dari dua pelaku atau lebih
a) Positive
membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang sama.
contoh: Tono walks as fast as Toni.
b) Comparative
membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang tidak sama, dimana salah satunya lebih jika dibandingkan yang lainnya.
contoh: He is taller than me.
c) Superlative
untuk membandingkan seseorang atau sesuatu dengan group atau kelompoknya.
contoh: Captain America runs the slowest super hero I ever see.
Sumber: http://www.tipsbelajarbahasainggris.com/8-jenis-kata-keterangan-beserta-contoh-kalimatnya/
Rabu, 15 April 2015
Tugas Softskill Bulan ke 2 Bahasa Inggris 2
Dwi Dessa Saputra
*Exercise 26
1. well
2. intense
3. brightly
4. fluent
5. fluently
6. smooth
7. accurately
8. bitter
9. soon
10. fast
*Exercise 27
1. terrible
2. well
3. good
4. calmly
5. sick
6. quickly
7. diligently
8. vehemently
9. relaxed
10. noisy
*Exercise 28
1. as soon
2. more important
3. as well as
4. more expensive
5. as hot as
6. more talented
7. more colorfull
8. hapier than
9. worse than
10. faster than
*Exercise 29
1. than
2. than
3. from
4. than
5. as
6. than
7. as
8. than
9. than
10. from
*Exercise 30
1. better
2. happiest
3. faster
4. creamiest
5. more colorfull
6. better
7. good
8. more awkwardly
9. least
10. prettier
*Exercise 31
1. twelve stories
2. languages
3. three acts
4. two days
5. 79 pieces
6. five shelves
7. 16 ounces
8. six quarts
9. briks
10. ten speeds
*Exercise 32
1. people enough
2. frence enough
3. enough time
4. fast enough
5. soon enough
6. enough early
7. hard enough
8. slowly enough
9. enough flour
10. books enough
*Exercise 26
1. well
2. intense
3. brightly
4. fluent
5. fluently
6. smooth
7. accurately
8. bitter
9. soon
10. fast
*Exercise 27
1. terrible
2. well
3. good
4. calmly
5. sick
6. quickly
7. diligently
8. vehemently
9. relaxed
10. noisy
*Exercise 28
1. as soon
2. more important
3. as well as
4. more expensive
5. as hot as
6. more talented
7. more colorfull
8. hapier than
9. worse than
10. faster than
*Exercise 29
1. than
2. than
3. from
4. than
5. as
6. than
7. as
8. than
9. than
10. from
*Exercise 30
1. better
2. happiest
3. faster
4. creamiest
5. more colorfull
6. better
7. good
8. more awkwardly
9. least
10. prettier
*Exercise 31
1. twelve stories
2. languages
3. three acts
4. two days
5. 79 pieces
6. five shelves
7. 16 ounces
8. six quarts
9. briks
10. ten speeds
*Exercise 32
1. people enough
2. frence enough
3. enough time
4. fast enough
5. soon enough
6. enough early
7. hard enough
8. slowly enough
9. enough flour
10. books enough
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